First review for That's Not English

My book, That's Not English: Britishisms, Americanisms and What Our English Says About Us will be published in the U.S. at the end of March. (Please watch for it in England in Autumn 2015.) It has just received its first review, here. And some generous advance praise from authors I admire:
“As many of us know, straddling the Atlantic can be quite uncomfortable—and it doesn’t help that the word ‘quite’ doesn’t always mean what you think it means. This is a brilliant guide to the revealing differences between two branches of English from a writer who is funny, smart, and almost worryingly observant. I was charmed from first to last. As an English person I will say, ‘Oh, jolly well done,’ but I’d like to add: ‘Good job!’”
--From the Foreword by Lynne Truss, author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves
“I’m mad about this book! I don’t mean ‘angry’ in the American sense, but Britishly ‘enthusiastic, gobsmacked.’ Much has been written about the language barrier between Britspeak Americanspeak, but, more than any other explorer, Erin Moore puts a human face on the subject.”
--Richard Lederer, author of Anguished English
“The ocean that divides England and America is awash with linguistic wreckage and cultural tumult. But Erin Moore’s study of these infested waters is serene, assured and hugely entertaining. They should hand her book out at border control.”
--Simon Garfield, author of the New York Times bestseller Just My Type
"That's Not English is fun, insightful and surprising. In it, Erin Moore reveals that what matters most about language isn’t necessarily what we say, but rather what we mean—and what others hear. This book is about much more than the quirks of our uncommon language; it’s about the nuances of culture and the unspoken assumptions that give words meaning."
--John Pollack, author of The Pun Also Rises and Shortcut
“Erin Moore writes about language with authority and humor, giving us etymologies, back-formations, and portmanteaus with equal aplomb. But her title is a nice bit of wordplay: That’s Not English isn’t really about words at all—it’s about the subtle differences between the two countries she calls home.”
--Constance Hale, author of Sin and Syntax and Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch